ReJoovena Detox Tonic 500ml
What is ReJoovena Detox Tonic?
It is a traditional herbal medicine which assists to remove toxins from your liver and kidneys and helps maintain a healthy digestive system. Detoxification is crucial to every one of us to maintain good health. Toxic build up arises due to a variety of environmental as well as lifestyle choices including what we breath, whether we smoke, drink alcohol, eat junk food and use artificial sweeteners - all these increase the toxic load on our bodies and often leads to headaches, allergies, infections, body odour, muscle and joint pain, flu-like symptoms, and digestive symptoms such as bloating, gas, constipation and may even contribute to weight gain, obesity and premature ageing.
Toxins accumulate over time, and cause the liver and kidneys to become overworked and weak. The immune system will become suppressed, contributing to an increase of illness, disease and excess body fat.
Benefits of Detoxing:
- Will boost your energy, by eliminating all harmful toxins in your body
- Helps the body to rid itself of any excess waste. Most of the disease are caused by the storing of waste in the body
- Assists with weight loss
- Will give your immune system a boost since you’ll be able to absorb nutrients better. It also stimulate healing process
- Improves your overall skin health, and assist in clearing of acne and make skin smooth
- Clearer thinking by strengthening your state of mind
- Better breath by cleansing colon and improving digestive system
- Improves sense of well being