Anusol 12 Suppositories
What are Anusol suppositories?
Anusol® suppositories lubricate and soothe the pain and irritation of haemorrhoids (piles), and help to reduce the oedema and of irritated anorectal membranes.
How to use:
Insert one suppository in the morning, one at bedtime and one after every evacuation or as directed by the physician.
The area around the anal opening should be cleansed with soap and warm water, then dried carefully by patting (not rubbing) with soft toilet tissue or cotton wool before medication is used.
Ingredients: Each suppository contains:
- Bismuth Subgallate 59,0 mg
- Bismuth Oxide 24,0 mg
- Zinc Oxide 296,0 mg
Precautions, Contra-indications and Side Effects:
Haemorrhoids and other inflammatory conditions of the rectum are sometimes of a serious nature. In cases of rectal bleeding, or persistence of the condition, consult your doctor. Known hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients.
As with all bismuth-containing preparations, neurotoxicity may occur with prolonged or excessive use.